Thursday, May 28, 2009

Titus 2 Study Questions for May

I am very late in posting the questions from our Ladies' study this month. These questions were prepared by someone else in the group who offered to lead this time. It was nice to sit and listen more as she led - and always nice to see women step out in faith to try something new in serving the Lord! Remember that we 'study to show thyself approved'.

1. Would I be comfortable reproving another woman? Why or why not? Are my reasons based on God or myself?

2. How would I define the right or wrong time to reprove another woman? What are some things I need to take into account?

3. Am I seeking godly interactions and relationships with other women?

4. Do I truly understand what it means to love my husband sacrificially?

5. Do I put time and effort into my husband/marriage? Would my husband agree?

6. Do I see changes in my relationship based on God's plan?

7. Do I express joy and happiness with ALL the children that I know? Do I provide encouragement and sharing the love of the Lord with them?

8. Do I see changes in myself, my thoughts, my words and my prayers as a result of studying Titus 2?

1 comment:

Mrs. Parunak said...

Good questions. Number 5 is especially convicting!