Friday, May 1, 2009

My Day Off

This past Saturday my Duck and her dad went on a date. They are hunting buddies (and fishing buddies, and motorcycle buddies, etc.) and they headed off for a gun show that was happening about 30 minutes north of us. As my husband was leaving, he kisses me and says "enjoy your day off."

A day

I sat in my pajamas in the quiet of my livingroom - feet up in my recliner - and considered what I would do with my day off.

Maybe edit some home movies on the computer? Maybe read one of the many books I have on the go? Maybe finish one of the sewing projects gathering dust in the sewing room? Surf and blog? Dig up a garden?

So many wonderful ways to take up my time on ME stuff for this day off. No interruptions. No meal planning or prep to do. No supervisory mommy duties.

What did I do?

Dishes and laundry!

I did turn on some music as loud as I wanted. I did sing and dance while I worked - causing the dog to question my sanity. And, believe it or not, I enjoyed every bit of my day off!

Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessolonians 5: 16 - 18

1 comment:

Mrs. Parunak said...

LOL Well, sometimes dishes and laundry are at the top of the priority list no matter how many other lovely options we may have.