Friday, June 10, 2011

Can We Call It an Era?

Whether it is an era or not, it is coming to an end. Due to circumstances beyond rationality, this blog is over. For the many women who have come here and took the time to email me I have been encouraged to know that the trials in my life are shared in your lives, too. It is encouraging to have heard about your strategies for managing motherhood and marriage, as well as the lessons learned in your walk with Christ.

I will continue to visit the sites where we have met and I will eventually start up another blog, too. Feel free to email at the address listed if you have any questions about my quick exit.

This site will remain open for the archives only.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Book (CD) Reveiw 5

I couldn't get a bigger picture, but it is a CD not a book. This is the 2011 Woman of Faith Worship CD entitled Rejoice, is a compilation of 10 worship songs sung by the Women of Faith Worship Team. Most Christians would probably recognize a couple of the songs, however, even the hymns have a real 'concert' sound to them - a little bit rocky. They put their own twist on them which I wasn't crazy about, but it was okay.

These women have beautiful voices, without question. The singing team are listed as Kara Tualatai, Michelle Swift, Laura Cooksey, Janice Gaines, Allison Abbott, Jenifer Thigpen, and Jovaun Woods.

Per the product description, "REJOICE captures the unbridled joy, awestruck adoration, and reverent worship audiences experience over the course of a two-day Women of Faith event."

I can recommend for those who enjoy the comtemporary style of worship. However, I prefer a more traditional approach to hymns and christian music - the 'reverent' description on the CD does not match my idea of the word.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Love/Hate Relationship

I love my computer. I hate my computer. Can I get an 'amen?!'

We use our computer frequently throughout the day. Both my husband and I read the newspaper online. We all, including Duck, do research online. Duck and I both use Word documents for organizing our daily tasks and, of course, we use it for school. Even bible studies can be done more effectively with the computer when we can't find a particular passage...the computer finds it way faster than any concordance.

Yes, this piece of technology is woven into my life for efficiency and organization. That's why I love it.

Then there are the troubles it brings. Websites that are slow or freezing when I only have a moment before needing to move on with my day. Also the times when our server is down and feels like FOREVER before I can get into my email. The worst, however, is the security lapses that allow viruses to enter. That happened just this past few weeks.

A virus calling itself 'XP security 2011' popped up and would not go away. It looked exactly like a Microsoft program and wanted me to purchase a new security system (FYI, it is not from Microsoft and should you encounter it - do not purchase it!). It took my computer hostage, refusing any access to the internet. My computer guy informed that we would have to remove the operating system and reload it. Thereby losing any data, pictures and videos that were on hard drive if I could not get them backed up on disc.

Fortunately, I was able to remove all important and personal items onto disc - so we did not lose anything that way. What we did lose was days with our technological friend. I so, so, so missed the computer when it was unavailable. My husband and daughter felt the same way - Hoss didn't care, he just likes to chew on the cords right now.

So, as you can see, the computer has returned to us. I have spent hours reloading software and drivers. Why is it worth it? Because I got to see Mrs. Parunak's new baby who arrived while my computer was in limbo. Because my lists and charts for school are back at my fingertips. Because Duck can listen to Odyssey on the Radio again. Because I couldn't remember the reference for a particular bible passage that I needed.

Yes, a true love\hate relationship. I know it is only a machine. I know that if I had to, I could live without it. I know it is only a matter of time before it disappoints me - again. I know I will do everything necessary to fix it - again.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Book Review 4

'Daddy Dates' is a book written by Greg Wright where he is talking about the revelation he had regarding his responsibilities in raising his four daughters. The idea of a father being involved in the lives of his children, girls or boys, isn't really a new idea - God planned it long, long ago. However, with so many men ignoring this responsibility, it was a pleasure to see that this book existed!

Mr. Wright's easy reading and humourous approach to describe his journey has little to do with scripture. His heart is obviously in the right place and he takes his responsibility of loving his daughters very seriously. His tag line for the whole issue is 'Don't screw up!'.

I can appreciate the work that he put into the relationship that he is building with each of his children. He is honest and he shows how the work has paid off for him with each of his girls. Mr. Wright does not talk over anyone's head and is open to admitting where he made mistakes, as well - which is something that always helps others trying the same thing.

I can recommend the book, but my enthusiasm is limited. Christian men who are sitting on the fence about being godly fathers may have seen a stronger case for 'daddy dates' with the appropriate scripture attached. My husband perused the book and found it was a little too light on a topic that needs to be taking seriously.

However, it is positive to have the topic out there and available in a format to introduce to men who are just stepping into the realm of fatherhood.

Disclaimer: I receive books from Thomas Nelson Publishers (Booksneeze) free of charge in exchange for my unbiased opinion of them. I am not threatened or rewarded in any way in efforts to encourage me to provide a positive review. All opinions are mine.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Revisiting Easter Thoughts

An old post that I still study from at this time of year:

Do You Love Me? John 21:1-18

Simon Peter was a fisherman. It had been his life's work before Jesus called him. This chapter (John 21:1-18) shows us that he and other disciples returned to that familiar lifestyle when things did not turn out as they had hoped and imagined. Jesus was their leader, their Saviour, their Christ; but, to their limited sight at that time, Jesus was dead.

Simon Peter had been so very close with Jesus. He believed he would follow Jesus to the death, if necessary (John 13:37). Instead, he had run away; he had denied Christ; he had failed.

So there they are - fishing. They had been out all night and caught nothing. Does anyone doubt they had spent those hours in misery, focusing on their failure? They couldn't even catch a fish!

And then they see Him on the beach...calling them back, giving them instructions for success. "Put the net on the other side of the boat." Imagine the grumbling! "We are professional fisherman...we have been out here all night and caught is that going to change by moving the net?" It made no sense, but it worked. Success from simple obedience to Jesus.

How many times do we, as His children, run from Him. We return to our old lifestyles; we go back to doing things our way; we fail to follow Him and lay those old sins at the foot of the cross. OR, we lay down one sin, just to pick it back up again! I know I am guilty of this lack of faith, this lack of trust (Isaiah 53:6).

The road to spiritual success is written out clearly for us. We simply need to apply scripture to each and every part of our lives (Colossians 3:17).

1. study

2. examine ourselves

3. obey & change

4. success

Now picture yourself as Peter on the beach (vs. 15-17). "Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me?"

My heart breaks for Peter, who had agonized over his failures. Who had given up all his stated convictions of following Jesus only to return to his old lifestyle. "Yea, Lord, thou knowest that I love thee." Jesus repeats his question to Peter (or imagine it is you) three times - "(Kim), lovest thou me?" And each time He asks, we remember the sins we continue to hold onto. We peek into that closet in our hearts where we think we are hiding those areas of our life that we don't want to analyze through God's eyes. We are grieved because we have returned to our old lifestyle, yet again, instead of following Christ.

He gives us simple instruction, "Feed my sheep."

We can't do Christ's work if we constantly run away from Him. We can't "catch fish" from the side of the boat we have chosen. We can't feed His sheep without a solid, constantly growing relationship with Him. We can find success ONLY in obedience to Him.

Verse 18 shows us the difference. When we were young (unsaved) we did as we wanted. Now we are old (saved, growing) and we must follow where He carries us -- where we would not go on our own.Look at each area of your life and examine it under scriptural lenses - i.e. finances, relationships, employment, health, etc.

Is your 'net' on your side of the boat(worldly)? Are you following Christ all the way to the cross? Are your repeatedly returning to your old lifestyle?

Success will come from simple obedience. Cast your net on the other side.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Book Review 3

I just finished this tale of adventure, excitement and perseverance. I loved it!

Unsinkable, written by Abby Sunderland (with Lynn Vincent) is the story of how this remarkable young woman made an attempt to be the youngest person to ever solo circumnavigate the globe, non-stop and unassisted. She was in the news for several months during the early part of 2010 for her the ending should have been rather anti-climatic when it is a real life story - she didn't make it. However, the entire story had me reading each page with delight and feeling some of the excitement, frustration and fear that Abby describes from her travels. Cheering her on a year after her adventure was done.

As a sixteen year old, homeschooled girl there were plenty of trials with which she had to deal from the very moment she sought sponsors for her dream trip. Complete strangers who were critical of her age, her abilities, her intelligence and even her independence - accusing her parents of pushing her into a publicity stunt for money. People from all over chimed in with their expertise on sailing without acknowledging that this young woman was far from being a novice. However, Abby's expertise as sailor is evident in how much she did achieve. Her accomplishment should have silenced the naysayers, but socialists** never admit when their wrong!

Not only did I enjoy this book, I had to compete with my husband to have time to read it. He loved it, too! Next, my 11 yo daughter is looking forward to it. Admittedly, the technical terms tend to drag some of the material down, but I can highly recommend the book.

As a side note, this disclaimer was attached to the book by Booksneeze:

**This title does not contain the amount of faith-focused content as many other books offered on If you prefer Christian Living titles featuring a large amount of faith-centered content, Unsinkable is probably not the best selection for you.

This is something that I found inaccurate. Abby and her family are professing Christians and talk about their faith openly throughout the book. It was faith for real life. Fantastic.

Disclaimer: I receive books from Thomas Nelson Publishers (Booksneeze) free of charge in exchange for my unbiased opinion of them. I am not threatened or rewarded in any way in efforts to encourage me to provide a positive review. All opinions are mine.

**socialist: someone who thinks they know what is best for everyone else, whether they know them or not; also like to call themselves experts

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Norwalking on the Wild Side

Gingerale - check

Good supply of TP - check

Jello - check

Individual buckets to carry around - check

Can you guess what we have been doing in our house for the last week and a half? That's right...the norwalk virus hit like a tornado two Saturday's ago. I remember the moment clearly. Duck looked up at me, with a slight green tinge to her face, and said, "I don't feel very well". Within three minutes the first bucket had been used.

Now Duck had the worst of it. Her vomiting was out of control and we had to take a trip to the hospital for some help to stop it - at least for awhile. They gave her a magic pill that cleared up the nausea for over 4 hours! The next day she was still quite sick and living on the gingerale and jello diet. You see, norwalk may start off with coming 'up', then it moves 'down'. By Monday she was back to a normal colour. Then her little brother followed in her footsteps.

Ever try to explain to a nine month old that throwing up is okay? Hoss was a real trooper, though. His up-chucking stage only lasted part of one day and then we went through a tonne of diapers! The worst part with a little one is how much weight is lost in such a short time. Although the virus passes through quickly, it takes several days to re-train the tummy to eat normally. Almost one full week to get the little guy back to normal portions of formula and food. Plus the long lasting effect would be his new addiction to jello.

Now,infection control is still possible with an 11yo who can use a bucket and wash her hands - it is a different story when a baby is just using me to catch his emesis. So, then it was my turn. There is a question if it was just a coincidence that I spent a day with the bucket as my best friend, though. The night prior, my husband took me out for a nice dinner at a restaurant and I devoured a rack of honey garlic ribs. The garlic was excessive! So there is a question if that was what had me heaving - because that was the only symptom that I suffered. Not that made any difference during the time.

So...the question rises. How do we find something to be thankful about in all of this?

Actually, it wasn't too difficult to answer. You see, the three days prior to Duck becoming ill she spent on vacation with our friends at Niagara Falls Great Wolf Lodge Resort. It is a huge water park resort where they had an incredibly good time. Saturday morning, again before any ugly symptoms arose, she spent the time with her dad at the shooting range. So, we look at the fact that her vacation and daddy date were not hindered by the virus - a blessing to be thankful for indeed.

As for me, this past Saturday was a homeschool conference that I always enjoy attending each spring. Both kids were well enough to spend the day with Auntie L, which gave my husband and I the full day to ourselves. I became ill the day after. Again, a blessing that 'ralph and chuck' didn't ruin my day, either.

When God says 'in eveything give thanks', there really is always something for which to be thankful!

Now was there any other way to describe vomiting that I didn't use?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Book Review 2

Here's a little book I have been enjoying. God's Wisdom for Mothers is a cute little pocket sized book filled with scripture that has been organized under convenient headings. As compiled by Jack Countryman, the headings include: God's Wisdom is Needed in Every Mother's Life; The Crown of an Excellent Mother is from God; God's Wisdom with Children Requires Daily Training There are many more that are set out in easy to read format (from the NKJV) and convenient for short times for meditating on scripture. The size of the book is a perfect fit with my bible case and makes a great little gift for friends. Obviously, these books are not a substitution for studying from my bible, however, when I am swamped with homeschooling, or house management or any other number of events that put my daily schedule into a tailspin, a quick little book such as this gives me the opportunity to take little bites of scripture to feed me. This is a book that will stay right beside my Bible for a long time. Really, is there ever a time when God's wisdom isn't needed? Not in my life, anyway! Disclaimer: I receive books from Thomas Nelson Publishers (Booksneeze) free of charge in exchange for my unbiased opinion of them. I am not threatened or rewarded in any way in efforts to encourage me to provide a positive review. All opinions are mine.

Dog's Best Friend

Warning: this is a post for animal lovers only! The rest of you won't get it...

My dog, Pokey, is known to us a sweet albeit mischievious jack russell terrier. He is not hyper, as his breed can be at times. In fact, he is on the lazy side when in the house. However, take him for a walk and he becomes a new dog. When Pokey walks through the neighbourhood he appears to present himself as a much larger dog - head held high and chest stuck out. A leash is a necessity as he is unpredictable around other dogs. There are times we pass another dog and Pokey doesn't even look at it; then there are times when he is bearing his teeth and snarling like he's a lion!

For the longest time we could not figure out what the difference in dogs was that could bring about such polarized reactions. Eventually, we realized. Pokey is a nazi - small 'n'. He hates all dogs who he deems to be ugly or stupid or just simply below his standards for dogs. It's true...we have tested the theory. Should an approaching dog be lunging on it's leash, tongue lolling, and generally acting like a fool...Poke hates it instantly. When a dog with a ridiculous haircut (think giant poodle) is approaching...Poke will start snarling as though to tell it how stupid it looks. On the opposite end, a dog who is generally composed while walking, with no unusual appearance or accessories...Poke will ignore it or give a courtesy sniff without incident.

There is one exception to this rule and he is our houseguest for the next few days.

Meet George. He is a half breed poodle/jack mix - and, although he's as sweet as sugar, he has the intelligence of a potatoe. He is half Pokey's physical and intellectual size. And they love each other. When given the opportunity to visit together, they wrestle non-stop for 30 minutes or more and take a short break before starting up again. They will share food and water bowls and George is allowed to sleep in bed with us.

Now this isn't purely coincidental. George belongs to our good friends and he and Poke have known each other since they were pups. George is a year older than Poke which gave him some seniority when they first met and that may have channeled into a certain type of mutual adoration for their entire relationship. It works well because we dog-sit George while his family takes vacation and they will dog-sit Poke while we take some time away.

So for those who ever questioned if dogs really do have individual personality; for those who give strange looks to pet owners talking to their dogs as if they were people; for those who question if pets can love...these two really are BFFs.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Awesome New Site

I have always adored the resources put out by Doorposts, and guess what? Now they have a wonderful new blog – you will love it! They are having 10 days of giveaways (with the grand prize being a complete set of ALL their products!), so head on over and check it out!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Book Review

Thanks to Janet, I found out about Booksneeze and signed up to read some good books. My first book from the selection list was Tithing, by Douglas Leblanc. I have to admit that there was an initial disappointment when I started the book as I expected it would be a biblical study on tithing. Turns out that Mr. Leblanc put together several testimonies from people who have been blessed by practising this ancient practice (this is an installment of a multiple book series on the ancient practices).
Tithing is the fifth book in the "Ancient Practices Series" by Phyllis Tickle. It is a short book at 152 pages and a short study guide at the end. Mr. Leblanc travelled the to different states interviewing people for their testimonies on how tithing has affected their lives. These testimonies are written completely seperate from each other - each chapter is a story on its own. Mr. Leblanc's writing style is easy to follow, but tends to make a long story out of a short one. Therefore leaving the reader (me) bored before the end of the testimony.
The testimonies are encouraging and a quick read, however, I was left with an unsatisfied feeling when the book was completed. It seemed as though a final chapter was needed to tie everything altogether. Although I did enjoy the study that has been added to the back of the book - it, too, could have been more in depth for the reader.
My final opinion is simple. I'm glad I didn't pay for the book.
Disclaimer: I receive books from Thomas Nelson Publishers (Booksneeze) free of charge in exchange for my unbiased opinion of them. I am not threatened or rewarded in any way in efforts to encourage me to provide a positive review. All opinions are mine.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Regrets, I've Had a Few

Generally speaking, I don't spend alot of time fretting over mistakes. Hopefully, each time I make one (and I do make them!), I learn from them and move on. Regrets are little different.

A regret is when my mistake involves other people. That time when I should have shared more of my faith with someone, or that time when my words came out too harshly, or that time I made an excuse to avoid a time of fellowship. These are the things I regret.

Several years ago, a woman I know became stricken with cancer. It was a real nasty type, but I won't go into details here. She was someone I consider a friend although we never saw each other frequently due to the distance that seperates her home from mine. No, it isn't hundreds of miles - it was just over an hour to drive. When I heard she had become ill, I sent an email offering my help. She replied that everything was going well.

Months passed and she attended a bible study that I was also attending. We talked about her illness and treatment. Things were going well - the word remission was used. Conversation turned to husbands and kids and homeschooling, etc. It was like she had never been sick! We said goodbye that day and it turned out to be goodbye forever. That was two years ago. She died at the end of January.

Two years! Two years gone and I had never checked in with her. Two years and she went through a relapse with her cancer and fought a losing battle without my ever contacting her. I had known that relapse occurred and I had always said, "I must get hold of Miriam!" It never happened. I talked with mutual friends about taking a trip up to see her - I talked too long. Get this...she was even writing a blog about her experience and I (a blogger!) knew nothing about it until after she died.

There is no doubt in my mind that she has met her Saviour; that she certainly isn't wondering about me. This world is a distant memory for her in glory. She has no more pain, no more regrets. Yet, I had one more lesson to learn from her - don't procrastinate with the people in my life.

If your interested in reading her story (here), it is an amazing testimony for the Lord. Both in life and in death she glorifies Him. If nothing else, read the last post done by her oldest daughter. May God give my daughter the strength in faith that this young woman expresses.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Imagine That!

Okay, so I'm spending a little time reading online newpapers during my day. Every now and then a gem of a story pokes up. Read this, although the headline says it all.

Canadians are still following the socialist path, though. Just this year in Ontario we can now access early kindergarten - that's where you send your children to school all day at the age of 3. Sad.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Canada 101

Want to know what a socialist political state leads to after several decades? Check out life in 'free' Canada today at this link here. All the Americans who read here may want to sit down for this...after all, from what I've been reading your country is well on it's way to the same situation.

Thankfully, I do believe that God is still on His throne.