Monday, June 8, 2009


The other day my husband brought home a flyer that had been displayed at his workplace. He works for an organization that deems itself christian, therefore they had been targeted for a particular marketing plan from a local restaurant. Here is how the marketing scheme goes:

All church goers were encouraged to organize group lunches at this local restaurant. When the lunch was completed, the restaurant would calculate the bill for all church goers meals and then write and deliver a cheque for 10% of the amount of the lunch and donate that back to the individual churches.

So, the more people that attended from a single church, the more money that would be donated back to the church. Sounds great - accept that the deal was only for Sunday lunches. I know that in today's culture, the whole idea of keeping the Lord's Day holy has fallen into the 'antiquated' realm. The restaurants in our town are packed after morning services. Shopping on Sunday is 'normal' - but then again so are STDs and I'm not interested in taking part of them either!

For our family, keeping the Lord's Day holy includes not working on that day AND not causing someone else to work that day either. We attend church both in the morning and evening. It means we do not shop for anything - a standard which requires only a small bit of planning and organizing on Saturday to ensure that we can maintain it. Outside of unforseen emergencies, we feel convicted by the commandment.

This however, is not the cultural thing to do, even among christian groups. Which is why I have no doubt that the local restaurant will make out quite well with its plan. Church groups will flock to lunch all for the purposes of 'supporting our church financially'.

Hmmm...maybe a post on tithing would be good to do. Another day, though...Good Monday morning to you all!


Mrs. Parunak said...

This has always confused me. I can understand the argument for wanting to keep the Sabbath on the Sabbath (with would be the seventh day, or Saturday), and I can see that the Early Church clearly met on the first day of the week, (Sunday, in memory of the Lord's resurrection on that day), but the practice of applying the Sabbath laws to Sunday feels to me like it comes out of thin air. I'm really not trying to be argumentative. I just honestly don't understand it. If you have time, would you consider explaining the Scriptures behind your conviction? I'd be really interested to read your take on this.

Kim from Canada said...

Well, Mrs. caught me banging out a post without being careful with my words. Yes, I agree that the seventh day of the week is the Sabbath and it is Saturday. I corrected my post to change the wording for Sunday to "the Lord's Day".

We aren't really attempting to apply the Sabbath law to Sunday - we are simply seeking to keep it a holy day and keep our focus on the Lord for that day - something that does come from wanting to be 'peculiar people' for Christ's sake. It is just a pet peeve for me with christians who treat Sunday like any other day of the week - and the marketing schemes that secular institutions use to take advantage of it.

I have read several papers on it at - I don't agree with every thing I read about it - but for me Sunday will be held as the Lord's Day, the day of re-creation, a new covenant. Does that answer your question?

Mrs. Parunak said...

Thanks for the clarification. I think I understand you now. We know some people who try to apply the OT Sabbath laws to Sunday, and I thought that's what you were talking about.