Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Little Blessings

There are some things in my life where I must guard against idolizing. One thing in particular is a point in every week that my daughter is in bed and my husband is at work...where I have total free time to myself. It only happens once a week and I have 2-3 hours to do whatever I want. Let me repeat that: 2-3 hours to do WHATEVER I WANT!

I revel in this time. That may seem to be an exaggeration, but it's not. My only difficulty is deciding which 'me' thing to do; knitting; or sewing; or reading; or blogging; or a little of each. Sometimes I even choose to clean the kitchen, as crazy as that is.

Please don't misunderstand, I love my husband and daughter. I love when I hear my husband coming in the door after being at work. I love working with my daughter all day with school or fun projects. I even enjoy the housekeeping aspect of my life (I can't honestly say I love that part, but 'enjoy' is truthful). But when this weekly time alone happens, I accomplish so much in just a short time. It is a time that I use to refresh myself for my family.

The most important part about it is to remember to use my time wisely and for good purpose. I have on occasion frittered the time away with TV (also affectionately known as the idiot box) and I do not feel refreshed with that, I feel slothful. As always, I return to my favourite verse listed with the title of my blog,

1 Corinthians 10:31 - do ALL to the glory of God, including the use of my free time.

So, now that I have blogged...what will I do next?

See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
Wherefore be ye not unwise,
but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
Ephesians 5:15-17


HerChosenMom said...

Sounds heavenly! I have to say I'd choose reading; although I would probably straighten up the house a bit to make me feel guilt-free :)

Mrs. Parunak said...

I also love the time I get to recharge, and just think about one or two things at a time rather than four or five like I usually do. It is refreshing to quiet down and focus on something creative. And I almost always spend my time on blogs. :)