Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Book Review 4

'Daddy Dates' is a book written by Greg Wright where he is talking about the revelation he had regarding his responsibilities in raising his four daughters. The idea of a father being involved in the lives of his children, girls or boys, isn't really a new idea - God planned it long, long ago. However, with so many men ignoring this responsibility, it was a pleasure to see that this book existed!

Mr. Wright's easy reading and humourous approach to describe his journey has little to do with scripture. His heart is obviously in the right place and he takes his responsibility of loving his daughters very seriously. His tag line for the whole issue is 'Don't screw up!'.

I can appreciate the work that he put into the relationship that he is building with each of his children. He is honest and he shows how the work has paid off for him with each of his girls. Mr. Wright does not talk over anyone's head and is open to admitting where he made mistakes, as well - which is something that always helps others trying the same thing.

I can recommend the book, but my enthusiasm is limited. Christian men who are sitting on the fence about being godly fathers may have seen a stronger case for 'daddy dates' with the appropriate scripture attached. My husband perused the book and found it was a little too light on a topic that needs to be taking seriously.

However, it is positive to have the topic out there and available in a format to introduce to men who are just stepping into the realm of fatherhood.

Disclaimer: I receive books from Thomas Nelson Publishers (Booksneeze) free of charge in exchange for my unbiased opinion of them. I am not threatened or rewarded in any way in efforts to encourage me to provide a positive review. All opinions are mine.

1 comment:

Mrs. Parunak said...

Another interesting review! This is a book I've heard about before, so I really appreciate your detailed take on it.