Tuesday, September 30, 2008


This game is great to find new sites to visit! Janet at Grannymom's Spot tagged me for this one. Take the time to visit her site - she has some great wisdom to share on many topics.

1. link to the person who tagged you;
2. post the rules with the entry;
3. list 6 random things about yourself;
4. tag 6-ish other sites;
5. let them know they are tagged!;
6. let the tagger know when the entry is up.


1. I am a preferred vegetarian - that means that I eat meat but if I have the choice between a meat dish or a veggie, I will choose the veggie.

2. I love lists! I make lists for planning my month, week and day; for planning my groceries and school and even blogposts (I made a written list for this post before coming to the computer) - it's really a sickness.

3. I would rather be barefoot.

4. One of my favourite house jobs is laundry - I like the sense of accomplishment when the clothes are clean, folded and put away.

5. My least favourite house job is cleaning the kitchen floor (usually my loving husband will do it for me) - it only gets dirty again in a few short hours anyway!

6. I have a special chair in the livingroom that is MINE. The whole corner surround my chair is organized for sitting in my chair and having crafts to do, or books to read, or school to organize, etc. It is a great inconvenience when someone else takes the chair, but my family has been trained to stay out!

Well, that's six not-too-weird things about me. When it comes to tagging other sites, I have to say this particular tag game has reached most of the sites that I visit and they have an entry in place. Other than the sites listed on the sidebar (and Janet), I don't visit too many more. But, for the sake of sharing, I'll just list their sites for others to check them out.

1. Mrs. Parunak
2. Mary
3. Chasity


Anonymous said...

I'm a barefoot girl, too, through and through. But I would MUCH rather scrub the floor than do laundry. Hey, I'll scrub your kitchen floor for you if you do a few loads of my wash!

Jacqueline said...

3. I would rather be barefoot.

Me too!

Janet said...


I, too, am a list-maker. If I don't write things down, I don't get to them. So I write lists and notes and memos to myself and to my family all of the time.

I also have my own space. And I like doing laundry.

The only reason I dislike washing the kitchen floor is that with 18 human feet and 20 canine feet tracking in mud, it NEVER, EVER stays clean.

Not for long, at any rate.

Thanks for your list about you. It's fun to get to know you more.