Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A Man

I know a man who leads his family with love, honour and wisdom; a man who is vigilant in his duties to teach his biblical knowledge to his family; a man who examines himself and admits to anywhere he is lacking; a man who I can call my best friend; a man who adores his daughter and does not back away from raising her up for God's glory. This man is, of course, my husband of 13 years.

But, let me tell you this, my husband is not perfect (I will pause here for the moment of shock and awe). He has trouble picking up after himself; he doesn't seem to realize that the toilet has a seat; he truly believes that the garbage can empties itself. Through it all, I thank God for sending him to me.

It is so much easier to accept his shortcomings when there are so many good things about him. There is no denying that God had a plan when He put us together. Where I am harsh on a subject, my husband has mercy; where I can glide through adversity without a lot of thought, he analyzes where improvements can be made to avoid further adversity; where I get bogged down with schedules, organizing and structure, he gives me 15 minutes notice to pack a bag and get into the car for a family adventure week. Because he is good to me, I want to be good to him.

We fit together well in most areas, and when we fight over the other areas - it's usually because I try to get in the way of his leadership. He is forgiving & encouraging, helpful & loving. So...I can pick up his clothes...and empty the garbage...and drop the toilet seat for him. And on the days when it seems I am in danger of getting too involved in his shortcomings, I will come here and read this post over and over!

Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself;
and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
Ephesians 5:33

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